Simple, Easy, Quick Subtraction Trick For Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 || Dot Method - Mathscolor

Welcome to the fun world of mathematics, today we will see the easiest way of subtraction at mathscolor. We believe that " maths is a game, let's play it together " and not only believe it has proved in many get together or events as well.

Subtraction is easy but still, we commit mistakes and lose marks instead of getting full scores. Today we will show you the easiest, quickest, and funniest way of subtraction

Quick, Easy way of Subtraction

Baccha party, check the below video and you will see the ease of doing subtraction. In fact, you will enjoy playing the games of subtraction from now onwards.

By using simple dots you can learn subtraction, this is one of the easiest methods. Will show you 3 more ways of subtraction but first enjoy playing the below game of minus.

Enjoyed the easiest method of Subtraction

Hopefully, you have enjoyed the subtraction and the new method to do the minus(questions). Now we are sure you will vote for them " maths is a game, let's play it together"?  We simply played and learned how to do subtracting by using dots only.

Bachha party, just play with this method of doing minus and contact us if in case, you guys have any queries or doubts. Do as suggested and it will give you an additional resource to cross-verify your answers in a very quick time.

You can't use these methods in the examination but can use this to certain the surety of the marks.


This is just the beginning of the fastest, easiest subtraction method, will show you at least 3 more methods of the same in mathematics. Just see the maths world with us, you will simply love the way we see mathematics.

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